Arrow Electromagnetic Hold Open Slide Arm Door Closer in Satin Stainless Steel Finish.
Product Reference: BM3SE-HO-SSS
Arrow Electromagnetic Door Closers are the ultimate solution to ensure standards for Ease of Access, Building Regulations, the Equality Act and Advanced Document M (ADM) are met. Compared with traditional mechanical door closers, electromagnetic door closers have extremely low opening forces, and therefore are not materially affected by external factors such as hinges, seals, latches, air pressure and variable fitting standards and positions.
The BM3SE-SF slide arm electronic door closer will meet all of the legal requirements for BS8300 and ADM for the following powers and door widths.
- CE power size 3
- Minimum door width for ADM - 750mm
- Maximum door width for ADM - 950mm
Rack & Pinion closer; Electronic slide arm; Hold open configuration only; CE Approval in pull side fitting only (Figure 1); Adjustable latching & speed as standard.
Hold Open:
When a power supply of 24 volts DC is connected to the door closer and the door is opened beyond 80 degrees up to its maximum, the Hold Open mechanism will be engaged. In the event of the electricity supply being interrupted (either manually or alarm activated), the closer will release, allowing the door to close automatically from any position to prevent the spread of flame or smoke.
BM3SE-HO Hold Open
Satin Stainless Steel with Matching Slide Arm and Square Cover
Material: Manufactured from British Extruded Aluminium and British Steel
Fire Tested: 60 Minutes
Downloads: Product Data Sheet - Declaration of Performance - Certificate of Conformity
Closer Body Dimensions:
Length (mm)
Height (mm)
Depth (mm)
Weight (kg)
Closer Cover Dimensions:
Length (mm)
Height (mm)
Depth (mm)
BSEN 1155 (Electrical)
BSEN 1154 (Mechanical)
BSEN 1634 (Fire Test)
BS8300 (Ease of Access)
Cover Options: Available in Square or Flowline
Finish Options: Also available in Polished Stainless Steel, Silver and Brass as standard or available in one of our exclusive designs or coloured finishes
Meeting the requirements for Ease of Access
The Guild of Architectural Ironmongers (GAI) and BS 8300 recommends the inclusion of Electromagnetic solutions to ensure standards for Ease of Access, Building Regulations, the Equality Act and Advanced Document M (ADM) are met.